alam k 发表于 2022-7-7 22:38:10

Help !

iv got a 64bit windows 7 home premium operating system and i need to download Autocad program from Autodesk, iv tried once already but it didnt seem to work but now i need to try again so i need to know which version to download iv just startd a course using Autocad 2010 @ college, so im learning about 2D designs for my first year.
Can anyone tell me which one i need to download??:wink:

rkent 发表于 2022-7-7 23:05:33

The download should say 64bit in the name, there might be more than one file, I am not sure as I have Inventor/AutoCAD Mechanical and that has 3 files to d/l.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:16:36

I thought we covered this topic in your previous post?
You downloaded the student version didn't you?
I was wrong.We have discussed this in two other threads not one (October 6th and 7th).You seem to be asking the same question in a slightly different way each time and getting the same answers.Why do we keep going in circles here?
Your computer MUST meet the MINIMUM specs as called for by AutoDesk.A link to these specs was provided in one of your other threads.
The program you are downloading must match the OS you are running in terms of it being either 32-bit or 64-bit.This too has been covered in previous threads.
JD Mather gave you a description of what you should be working with for downloads if you are indeed trying to install/use the student (educational) version of AutoCAD.Did you read his post?Did you understand his post?
Having now asked the same basic question in three separate threads you have made helping you much more difficult than it needed to be.

alam k 发表于 2022-7-7 23:31:12

LOL. ReMark chill out . iv finally got it downloading. I dont know what the problem was but now its downloading.
thanks guys for all the help but dont think that will be the end of me!! i'll be back with more questions. lol

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 23:44:55

I'm glad to hear things seem to be going smoother for you this time around.
The problem is when a question is asked in multiple threads the discussion becomes disjointed and difficult to follow.It also leads to the repeating of the same information in multiple places.Avoid the confusion and hassle and stick to one thread/one topic and make life for all of us a little bit easier and the flow of information a bit more coherent.Thanks.
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