Viewports, Model and Paper spa
I am a new CAD student using 2011 Student version. I am having a problem viewing my drawing in paper space. I created a new layout and made a viewport but I still cannot see my drawing. Why? double click the viewport to 'enter' it, then command zoom extents.see anything now? Double click to enter into "model space" right? and then "ZOOM" extents? no I still cannot see it. sorry, yes.
command "zoom" then "extents"
this should show you everything in your model space, through the viewport you have in paperspace. double-click outside the viewport to 'exit' back into paperspace.
do you see anything? .... there are many other things to check if not...... is it possible you have some lines a very long way apart - so they are too small to see?
try doing the zoom extents in modelspace. do you see anything there? Post the drawing as an attachment so someone can take a look at it.
Your model space objects were drawn full size right?
What scale was assigned to your viewport?
Is this a 2D or 3D drawing? I will later when I get to school. Thanks everybody! Just to clarify, when you created the layaout, you used the MVIEW command to create viewport? I ask because you are "new" to acad, and when you say you created a viewport, it probably means you didnt create a viewport... :-)
The model should automatically zoom extents to the new vport... It looks like I had 2 VP view tabs and objects were frozen or "off." Thanks everyone. This site is great and I really appreciate all the responses! I am 6 weeks into CAD 101 and I love it.