BuntyBunty 发表于 2022-7-7 22:57:34

Unreconciled layers, again and

Greetings All,
I keep getting an 'unreconcilled layers' notices prior to printing. I know how to reconcile the layers but it seems that every time I open a drawing where I have already reconcilled the layers, they need reconciling again. Surely I should only have to reconcile the layers once and then the problem should go away but I am finding that this is not the case. I am using xrefs in Acad2008.
Many thanks.

NBC 发表于 2022-7-7 23:22:51

Try adding LAYEREVAL, LAYEREVALCTL and/or LAYERNOTIFY to your acad.lsp file, and ensuring their values are all set to 0 (zero)

Cadax 发表于 2022-7-7 23:39:44

You can open layer properties manger then click on settings. (Probaly somewhere on the lower left side of the pane)
Then uncheck the 'New Layer Notification' at the top.

abkb12 发表于 2022-7-7 23:53:41

I cannot take credit for the whole code but just the modification. this will create a script to batch reconcile unreconciled layers
;; reconcile all unreconciled layers
(defun c:reclayers
       (/ UserFile UserCat FileList File#1 DwgName FileName)
(setq UserFile
(getfiled "Select a drawing within the directory to process"
(setq UserCat (vl-filename-directory UserFile))
(setq FileList (vl-directory-files UserCat "*.dwg" 1))
(setq File#1 (open "c:/program files/cpmelec/scripts/reclayers.scr" "w"))
;; open/make a scriptfile to write to
(foreach DwgName FileList
    (setq FileName (strcat "\"" UserCat "\\" DwgName "\""))
    (princ "open\n" File#1)
    (princ (strcat FileName "\n") File#1)
    ;;Below are commands to run on each drawing...
    (princ "-LAYER E *\n" File#1)
      (princ "\n" File#1)
    (princ "_.qsave\n" File#1)
    (princ "_.close\n" File#1)
(close File#1)
(princ "\nreclayers loaded.")
(princ "\nType reclayers to run")

abkb12 发表于 2022-7-8 00:05:13

forgot one thing, change this line to where you want your script file located and.or change name of script file
(setq File#1 (open "c:/program files/cpmelec/scripts/reclayers.scr" "w"))
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