Setting different layout.
Hello,I have made few plans , using different layers for walls, electricals , etc. and want different pen thickness for same layer in each plan.
So, how can i assign different layout sheets for each plan, so that my pen-thickness problem can b solved n the person printing my plans will also face no difficulty. You can assign different colors to the same layers on a per-viewport basis.
See also: Actually, what i want is, say suppose,in a plan i have wiring lines layer, which is of line thickness 0.18,but i want the same wiring to hv line thickness 0.5 in some othr plan.
So, for this, presently i am forced to save my drawings in different cad files, this eats up a lot of time.
Isnt there some way of doing this in an easier way! If you use a .ctb colour table for plotting then different colours plot at different lineweights.
Dont set a specific weight for the lines but set you line weights and colours to bylayer, then as rkmcswain says you can have the same layers showing different colours in different layouts and thus plotting at different lineweights from different layouts. If your CTB file doesn't control the line weight and you have your lineweight controled by the layer you can override this setting on a per viewport basis.You can change the line weight directly using viewport overrides without having to worry about colours and CTB files.
Or pre-2008 you can x-ref your plan set into your layout files and change the layer settings to you hearts content (but you won't be able to have two differnt settings in two different viewports on the same layout)
Scroll down to 'Layer properties per viewprt'
Is this a wise idea to assign different colors to the same layer? As far as I know it is better to assign one color to one layer.
It's a matter of opinion I guess.
I think this is a great feature and it's very useful.
Could you please tell me its advantages and positive aspects? Did you check the link that was posted? It pretty much explains the advantages.
Here's another link:
If you have multiple viewports in which you need to show the same object, with different linetypes, colors, etc.
Prior to this ability, you had to have duplicate objects on different layers.