nicbazwilly 发表于 2022-7-7 23:01:38

Insertation point - palettes

Hi again all,
Is there a way to choose where your base point is when inserting a block from a palette which i have created?
Chhers in advance

alanjt 发表于 2022-7-7 23:11:49

If you are referring to where it's inserted, then you are prompted for XYZ placement.
If you are referring to the insertion point of the actual block, that's determined when the block is created.

nicbazwilly 发表于 2022-7-7 23:23:31

Hmmmm not sure. When i click on the palette block i want the base point to be at the bottom of a line to make it easier to snap to a specific point. Does that make sense? If it is the 2nd option i need then is it possible to recetermine this point within block editor?

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 23:24:21

if the block is inserted from its own file, the insertion point is at 0,0 in that drawing. moving the block elements relative to that point does what you require.
if you just have a block definition in a drawing with other elements, draw a line to the base point, and open the block editor. move all the contents of the block knowing that your marker line points to the block's base point, but isn't part of its definition.

nicbazwilly 发表于 2022-7-7 23:38:43

ermmm. I open the block editor and the line ive drawn wont appear. Im a little confused and new to AC. A collegue has informed me its the orgin i need to change if that helps. Ive created a palette from a drawing and the drawing has around 20 blocks in it.

designerstuart 发表于 2022-7-7 23:41:30

okay this might be a settings thing. if you doubleclick the block to edit it (refedit) the line probably won't disappear.
not sure what your colleague is talking about, but i've always had a folder with lots of dwgs in as my block library, each drawing is one block. when i need a block, i command INSERT, go to my library folder and select the drawing. AutoCAD inserts it as a block, using the origin (0,0) of the block drawing as its insertion point. the block's name is the name of the dwg inserted.

dbroada 发表于 2022-7-7 23:48:05

it is possible to set up dynamic blocks to have multiple insert points and rotations so when you pull them off a palette you can change the way it inserts.
Sorry I can't tell you how its done as I have only tried it once to confirm that it does and can't remember how.

bonehead411 发表于 2022-7-7 23:59:53

When did they put BEDIT in LT?
Check this thread:
Specifically Daves post at No.10, c/w instructions.
Or there's always this as a workaround, but I'm not sure it works in LT, or from Tool Palettes:

nicbazwilly 发表于 2022-7-8 00:06:56

Haha I just worked it out as you posted this. It works a treat
Thanks all for your help....again!
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