Viewports and Dimensions.. Hel
Hi GuysIn paperspace I normally have 4 viewports, three for 1:10 scale and one for 1:1 details.
I apply the dimensions in modelspace but I dont know how to have dimensions for 1:1 on my drawing?
I cheat by making 2 drawings, one with 1:10 dims and the other with 1:1 dims.
This works but clutters my modelspace and doubles the time when making revisions.
Is there a way I can use 2 different sized dimensions on one drawing without seeing tiny 1:1 dims in my 1:10 viewports?
Thanks for any solutions!!
Mikey:oops: Why not put the dimensions for the 1:1 viewport in your layout instead?
By the way, please do not double post.It just causes confusion.Thank you. Dimension it in paper space?
Oops, too late... Yes, you can have as many 'dimension styles' as you need with each style having different settings such as scale.
So that you only see the scale you want in each viewport I would suggest putting the different scaled dimensions on different layers and turning the layers on/off in the viewports.
(Thats just one way of doing it there are others). Your other duplicate post has been removed.
Please only post a question once and then wait for replies. Hey thanx for your input guys.
Apologies for confusion with the 2 posts I put up (they were my very first posts for cadtutor and i thought I had posted in the wrong section lol!)
I think nukecad has a good point about this, could you please explain the process how I would turn them on/off in diferent viewports?
Im unable to dimension in paperspace as i may need to see part of the overall dimension in my small 1:1 viewport.
Thanks again for everyones help on this.
Much appreciated for taking your timeout to help.
As Nukecad said, put the dimensions on different layers, according to their scale. Then double click inside a viewport to activate it and use the Express Tools LAYFRZ command to Freeze the dimensions you don't want to see.