Select sub-objects within an X
Hey what's up guys, I have a quick one for you.So I'm working with a large layout of a site that's assembled with the main drawing, and 4 Xrefs.
The main drawing contains barely any detail at all, with al the details being buried in the Xref's.
So I'm looking to clean up some of these unnecessary details but everytime I try to select an xref object, it selects the entire set of Xrefs...almost like they're grouped together. (even though no groups show up in the group manager)
Is it possible to breakdown this group and let me select individual objects within this entire "master" drawing?
I tried to Bind the Xrefs to the file but got an "cannot be completed for an unknown error".
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ryan I would open the xref file, purge, audit.Then make the changes I need there, then go back into your other drawing.
Not sure if LT2005 has refedit command and or XOPEN command, but those would help you as well. I'm willing to bet that your xrefs are xreffed into your other xrefs and are "Attached". Either "Detach" the xrefs from the xrefs or if you still want them for reference (no pun intended) change them to be overlayed instead of attached.
If your final plan is to bind the xrefs then just "Detach" all of them. After you've cleaned up all the xrefs go back into your master and bind. If the bind still does not work, "Detach", "Purge", and insert your xrefs as blocks.