program keeps freezing up!
Hello Again, I've been having trouble: each time I try to use the trim tool/command, my program freezes up and I get the Not Responding message. Even if I reboot the computer, it doesn't help. Any thoughts?It's good that you found it. I once let something like that go too far and the drawing got corrupted.
In my case, AutoCAD would just go poof when I used that same command, trim, and I'd be looking at my desktop icons. No error msgs, no nothing. The program would just vaporize.
Happy Birthday. NP, a lot of times slow running programs of any type are due to conflicting software trying request CPU time. oh, dang it, it's happening again, but this time no errors show up to fix. Anyone have any great thoughts? What operating system are you using and how much memory do you have in the system(is it a laptop?) okay, another true confession: I am mostly a Mac user, and use the PC just for AutoCAD. I do not know what or how to "request CPU time... The software does that, not you, if things like weather bug, yahoo, anti virus programs on running they do it in the back ground. Normally you would never know they are there unless problems in a new piece of software start happening. one more variable: this computer is NOT connected to the internet. It is just a stand alone computer, BUT I have downloaded blocks to use from CAD monkey. Could I have imported any kind of bug/virus? And, I DON"T have any anti virus program on this computer, since it isn't connected to the internet.... That is always a possibility when downloading from the internet, have your anti-virus sweet scan tohse files you downloaded and then do a full system scan.