Any way to convert, or clean,
Is there any way to convert, or clean, .dxf files in AutoCAD 2007? For example, I would like to clean up the mesh.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Convert to what?Clean?Not unless you have a lot of experience with DXF files, know what you're doing, and don't mind going through line after line hour after hour.
Mesh or mess? Convert to a clean 3d representation.
Mesh - polygon mesh - i really do not want to go through line by line - that is why I was hoping someone could give me some advice.
Thanks for the fast response! Can I create a representation using XEDGES? Post an example file here.Let's communicate with geometry (isn't that the point of AutoCAD)?
You might give a bit more thought to your next thread title. I've renamed this thread to something a bit more descriptive of the problem.
In the future, please try to name your threads appropriately. Thank you for updating the post title, I will be more descriptive next time.Just getting super frustrated.
I have attached a file hereto.I am basically wondering if I can convert the mesh into some solid surface that does not require all of the polygons.
Thanks again everyone.
File.pdf Looks like a putter head.2010+ may be able to do your conversion to solid, however, 07 will have some problems.
If I had to do it.I would just get any dimensions I could and re-due the model with solids.
KC Would the M2S (Mesh-to-Solid) AutoLisp routine found in the AutoLISP Archive here at CT work? Zip and attach your dwg here - I don't think anyone is going to remodel that for you from the pdf.