Re-Installation of Cad
Hi All,Hope I am in the correct forum. Also, sorry to perhaps cover old ground, but I am an IT support engineer and am having to rebuild a dead pc that had LT 2004 installed.As i have access to the original hard drive folders, can I copy any files from the original application that will re-configure the new application the same as the original. Sort of a config file shall we say with the users preferences. Thanks for any help available.
Scoffagus. That is hard to answer. It depends on where the user stored these files, if any were stored in a non-default place.
It also depends on what exactly was customized.
The AutoCAD "profile" is stored in the registry. This includes things like the background color, the support file search path, location of dialogs, user options, etc. Hi There.
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my query. At least I can't be sniped at for not re-configuring his cad as it was.
Thank you.
Scoffagus:) Hi,
Would there be a way to duplicate that registry data across multiple user accounts?Specifically that of new users to a machine.
I am trying to setup 2 AutoCAD computers for remote desktop.Currentlythe user logs on with credentials through a company domain controllerand their user account is created.
My problem is that when I specify locations for:
-Plot and Publish Log file Location
-Template Settings > Drawing Template File Locations
-Printer Support File Path > Printer Configuration Search Path
-Printer Support File Path > Printer Description File Search Path
-Printer Support File Path > Plot Style Table Search Path
-Customization Files > Main Customization File
And define in plot settings:
-the page setup name,
-Default Printer,
-Plot Style table,
-Plot options,
That these settings are not preserved between newly created useraccounts.These changes can only be observed on my user account.Ihave copied my user account over the default user.However new usersstill don’t see these changes.
Note: I am aware, that the default user option only applies to newusers, not those who have previously logged in.
Any help would be appreciated.I have already wasted most of a day onthis.
Thank you kindly,