Up is 0 degrees?
I'm new to this forum but have been looking at it for a while for help so decided to register when i could not find my latest answer in the hope someone can help!It's probably something stupidly simple, but I can't find out how to change it!
As I was aware, and I'm sure I remember it used to work like this on my CAD, a horizontal line from left to right was 0degrees!
However, somehow I seem to have changed this, so that this now registers as 90degrees on CAD and a vertical line up is 0degrees?
Anyone know what I've done and how to change it back?
Thanks for the help!
bobsy Check if your UCS (user coordinates system) isn't rotated. To fix it, call UCS command and press(to accept default option, reset UCS to WCS).
Regards, Thanks for the reply, just tried that, it still thinks horizontal is 90degrees! Check ANGDIR system variable. It should be set to 0 for normal AutoCAD angle working. Sound good! You welcome!