re-orienting a drawing
I do land development type drafting (using Land Desktop 2005) and one drawing that was passed to me is already pretty much done.However, the drawing was set up a little off of north.I was asked to re-orient the drawing so that the bearings and distances, that come up on the property lines automatically, match what is on the actual deed for the property.How do you change which direction is North in a drawing?I guess that ideally I would be able to change the orientation by entering the degrees by which it's off or something.Thanks! This is asked very often I would do a search in these newsgroups Pick a property line that you have the deed bearing. Then annotate the line and see how many degrees you're off. Make a new rotated UCS... UCS > Z > difference in degrees. This should align the UCS with the Y axis pointing north. Then annotate the same line and see if it is correct. If it is the same as the prior, the LDD probably annotates in World UCS. In that case you'll need to rotate the entire drawing for the bearings to be correct. Be careful, make a backup first, and get approval before rotating the dwg. Thanks everybody.Got 'r done.