can an attribute always have "
* note anything in "" is an attribute.right the people that created this block obviously wanted to cause me headaches!
2 problems first off next to the "area" attribute they have text "sq.m" for m².
now i've changed that to m² easy enough.
now it lines up fine if the area is say 100.09m², however when there's an area of 1.57m² it looks stupid ie 1.57 m²
is there anyway that i can have the area attribute to always have "m²" in it (kind of like cell type in excell??), regardless of what is typed, so it looks nice and pretty?? lol
this is doing my head in as i have 60 floor plans i need to change! doh
thanks in advance Isn't that what they call kerning?Something to do with maintaining distance between letters.Ahhhh...the mind is fuzzy this morning.Haven't had my coffee yet.Monospaced text?It's in there (the brain) but it's having some trouble getting out. i need all the attributes to line up and have the "m²" auto populate the area attribute.
if i made the right justified then that wouldn't line up with the other attributes. i take it this is a no then?
oh well, i'll have to bluff it! lol You can use super script characters in attributes, just copy an paste them in from the windows character map. You will need to train your users not to type over it though! (or train them how to add superscript characters)
You may find the 'ATTIPEDIT' command usefull. If you want to use Multiline attributes it becomes even easier.
If you areusing feilds to give your area you can add an extension automagically...
Super script attribute.dwg this is the actual block (didn't realise i could upload!)
as you can see on the 2nd line the "m²" is a seperate text entity.
unfortunately all the blocks have already been completed by previous techs at a different firm, now the end client wants it smartened up.
so I'm trying to get it so if anything is typed in the area tab, it'll automatically add in the "m²" (like in excel, where you can alter the cell format so it shows it automatically)
RN.dwg I don't know of any way to add it to a normal attribute automatically. Maybe someone else has the answer.
I think that you would have to delete the 'SQ.m' attribute from the block and redefine this block in each drawing that is currently using this block. You would then need to append the 'Area' value with your M² Text.
Do you have alot of draings to change, or are you just trying to get it set up right first time? i have about 20 xrefs to alter (which have on average 5 floors per xref)
client has said he wants all the room labels centered into the rooms, etc.
so i'm having to move them round again and want this "m2" so they can fit in some small rooms.
client refuses to go bigger than A3 and at a scale of 1:100 it's tight getting the labels in the rooms with the "sq.m." hence why i wanted the "m2" (plus i think it looks better)
as a side note he only needs the room no & area shown in the vport but the restof the attributes still need to be filled out correctly, but just hidden. This might help. I've use a field to add up the values from the MIN MAX attributes to get the Meters square. Fields can have an automatic suffix...
RN.dwg nice one (i'll have to look how to do that)
unfortunately, forgot to say those are the max & min dims in the rooms, unfortunately the rooms aren't all square & odd shapes.
i've had to polyline round each room and then "area" each one, to find the area (well that's how they were done)
cheers for trying though mate.