Needing help!Hatching
I have a raster plan and I have to colour differently the streets,the houses, the blockseach one on a different layer.I have set the layer on -Bylayer-example green colour on first layer.
I have traced new lines overlapted on the original outlines with polylinesenclosing the contour. I have tried to use the Hatch command but it doesn't works.
But I cannot fill the new form created with my colour .One reason is because it tells me that it is not an object .
How can I make the new countour object and how can I fill it ?
Thank you very much! If you have enclosed an area with a polyline, it should hatch.
During the hatch command, you can select a closed object, or select a point inside an area enclosed by line, arcs, polylines, etc.
If still having problems, copy & post the command prompts and error message you are getting.or post the drawing. AkaArh, is there a single polyline you selected for hatching? If you select a polyline, it must be a closed one. Or select the area by picking an inner point as CarlB wrote.
I adjusted the thread title. fuccaro 发表于 2022-7-8 11:33
AkaArh, is there a single polyline you selected for hatching? If you select a polyline, it must be a ...
what is the meaning of a negative deltax and deltay such as -8.9443,-4.4721 in 243.435,2.25,1.25,-8.9443,-4.4721,0.559,-21.8017