Trouble Scaling in Pg. Setup
I know this is a completely ridiculous question, but I haven't used CAD in about a year and can't remember the answer and also had trouble finding an answer in the forum...For whatever reason, I can't get my viewport to show my model scaled correctly. Mspace is set up at 1:1, and the 11x17 pspace is also set up 1:1. I choose 1/4"=1' scale in my viewport, and end up with my model being tiiiiiiiiny in the middle of the page when it should just barely fit.
I feel like maybe the problem is in my page setup, but I'm drawing blanks on how to fix it.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you! Your welcome! ScribbleJ mentioned something very useful if you need to just convert it quick and not redraw it. Thanks to you, too, ScribbleJ!
I ended up just drawing one line at the new scale and reference scaling the drawing so it's all correct now. Glad the solution was simple since I have 6 of these!
So glad I came across this site...I'll definitely be scoring the archives for more knowledge.
Awesome site. Jump in and give advice and help troubleshoot if you can. I have learned so much from the peeps here. Dont be afraid to ask!