tds73 发表于 2022-7-8 10:37:23

window button, where is it?

I just made the switch from 2007 to 2009. So here comes the first of what will probably be many stupid questions.
On 2007, one of the tabs was "window", where I could have multiple drawings open, then click window, get the drop down, see a list of open dwg's, and just click the one I want displayed. I thought this was a relatively easy way to jump from one dwg to another. Now in 2009 I cannot find this. I find window in the drop down but it does not list open dwg's. Could someone point me in the right direction or maybe offer up an alternative to keep it simple?
P.S-I am by no means a Autocad whiz. I can follow directions as long as they are in simple terms.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 10:57:54

It is still there, The Window selection on the toolbar shows a list of all open drawings for me in 2010, and I'm sure that it was there for 2009 as well.

tds73 发表于 2022-7-8 11:18:49

Open CUI
In the left pane select your workspace
In the right pane click on Customize Workspace
Expand Menus in both panes
Check the Window box in the left pane; Window should show up in the right pane
Note: there is a maximum of 24 (25?) menus allowed on startup

Glen Smith 发表于 2022-7-8 11:33:05

It is a pain, welcome to Ribbon hell.
The different choice I know about are listed below.
Even with the ribbon you can have the menu bar showing.
With just ribbon, type Alt, V, OD.
Pick the Big A, set to Open Documents.
at the bottom of the screen is an icon to Quick View Drawings.
Set TASKBAR to 1,
Finally use Ctrl+Tab.

lpseifert 发表于 2022-7-8 11:43:07

Thanks for all the replies.
Personally I like the control+tab if only a couple drawings are open. If numerous drawings are open I like the "open documents" tab, since once I pick the drawing I want currently open, it opens it with no more steps to be taken unlike the quick view drawings that needs to be closed once the drawing is picked.
Thanks again.and if there was a "cheers" icon available I would post it now.
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