Ctrl+A fatal error
I am working on a not-so-friendly file and when I do a Ctrl+A, it gives me a fatal error as following:FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xffffffff Exception at 62ac28h.
What's wrong with the file?
Thanks. Have you tried using AUDIT on this not-so-friendly file? Yup and after the audit, same error ... What were you doing, specifically, when the error message occurred? That looks like a memory error to me. Have you tried rebooting? I didn't know of the errors of the drawing until a co-worker told me to do so. After I audit, it showed 170 errors and all fixed. Then I noticed a new layer "$Audit-bad-layer" was created. I am trying to avoid the "bad" layer from creating. So I closed the file without saving. As stated in my other thread titled "Audit-bad-layer", I moved 31 blocks I found on Defpoints to another layer. Did the audit again, this time, it found 139 (=170-31). So I thought there must be some other objects or blocks I couldn't see. I did a zoom extend and a select all with Ctrl+A. That's when the error popped up. I tried Ctrl+A before and after audit, same error showed up.
To Calvin: I haven't tried reboot. Will give it a try and see what happened.
Update: Reboot didn't help ... Someone posted this "fix" on the AutoDesk Discussions Forum website.
"One trick I've heard (haven't had a chance to try it yet) is to make sure layer DEFPOINTS is ON and THAWED in every Viewport before PURGing. Then the bad audit layer will purge out."
Try it.What do you have to lose? That sounds like a good shot Remark. Sal I am very interested to know if you solve this issue. I always like to add to my list of problem/solution archive in case this happens to someone else here or in my office. I seem to be one of the CAD tech's everyone goes to for a solutions for odd problems. I am a beginner to AutoCAD.Let see if I get this right.
1. Make sure Defpoints is ON and THAW in every viewport.
2. Audit
3. Purge
Is that what you mean ReMark? The advice is not mine.It is something I read at another forum and I am just passing it on for what it is worth.
Do steps 1 and 3.Skip 2.Got it?