Andyfb78 发表于 2022-7-8 10:40:04

Help, AutoCAD, TurboCAD??

Hi I'm after some advice on what way forward.
I have not used CAD properly for about 3 years now, but previously at work I used IDEAS-C3P and CATIA, I used AutoCAD R14 whilst at Uni.
I currently own a Mac, not a PC.
I want to do design work, including mechanical design, and architectural design.I need to be able to do 3D modelling.
TurboCAD do a Mac version, but this looks somewhat errr less capable than a full programme like autoCAD. However, Autocad will cost be £3k + the cost of a new PC. Turbo CAD will cost me £1k...
So sell me AutoCAD, over turboCAD, to persuade me to save and invest......
Thanks and much appreciated.
Must win the lottery next week....

spikes2020 发表于 2022-7-8 10:56:29

you can always rob a bank =P
I don't know, i would just invest in a PC anyway. Or you could just install windows and do a dual boot system. I do it with linux, not sure if you can do it with MAC. That would save at least the computer cost. If your taking classes you could try and get a student version, they are usually 100 bucks or so.
Anyway good luck!

f700es 发表于 2022-7-8 11:07:23

Well if you have an Intel Mac you can dual boot into Windows with BootCamp or use Parallels but then you still have to buy a copy of Windows. TurboCAD is not that bad. Download the demo and give it a try.

memphis710 发表于 2022-7-8 11:25:00

AutoCAD works very well in bootcamp (in fact windows seems works extremly well too!) and so long as you aren't soing anything too fancy, parallels works very well with AutoCAD (Architecture 2009 ). Have used both instances on my Intel iMac for nearly 9 months without any problems with either.

f700es 发表于 2022-7-8 11:34:19

I noticed issues with the mighty mouse and windows. There does not see
to be any windows drivers for it.

Sizer 发表于 2022-7-8 11:44:47

Same here, use bootcamp as its a bit quicker but does work a treat...
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