CADsince07 发表于 2022-7-8 10:42:20

New to 2010 - how do i open a

Hi All,
I am a little stuck on something very basic - i have instructions in course documentation which say that once CAD is running, the 'open' dialogue box comes up which should have a button for 'projects'.
However when i open 2010 the 'open' box doesnt appear and when i click 'open' it comes up with a dialogue box but just shows files in my documents and has no options for 'projects'?? I have tried to browse in the autodesk folder, but I cant navigate it as all of the files are given codes for names and so its not easy to know what is what.
I hope that some of this has been easy for someone out there to understand - could really use the help fast as I need to get on with my coursework and something so simple is stopping me!! I need to know how I can create a new project.
Thanks in advance
Also - how can I get the 2D Sketch panel to show?I have right clicked on the toolbars and looked under panels - but there doesnt appear to be a 2d Sketch panel??I am using 2010.I need this panel to give me a list of constraints for my coursework - any info much appreciated.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:01:20

To my knowledge there is no 2D Sketch panel.There is a SKETCH command but it is command line entry only.Refer to your Help file for more information.What do you want to use the Sketch command for?

CADsince07 发表于 2022-7-8 11:17:37

Question - using the sketch tools available create the basic geometric profiles from the info given......
The profiles should be appropriately constrained using 2D constraint tools...
Guidance -
ahhh wait - my fault......autodesk inventor!!! NOT autocad!!Apologies - the rest of my entire course has been on autocad and so i went into autopilot there and opened cad instead of reading instructions properly....
oh dear - how embarassing lol.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:26:17

By default the Project Files Search Path is empty until you specify one.I suggest that you create a folder called Projects and then populate it with subfolders for the individual projects you work on.Add a path to the Projects folder by going to Options > Files > Project Files Search Path entry.An example might be:
C:/Projects or C:/MyProjects.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:35:36

No problem.Just have another cup of coffee to kickstart those brain cells that decided to sleep in today.

CADsince07 发表于 2022-7-8 11:50:10

Haha - will do!!Man I need sleep.....
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