kindy52 发表于 2022-7-8 11:41:37

Thats alright then. My costs would be prohibitive to completion of the project. Will suggest the P. Owner then sell the property or find another, as is a waste of my time to submit a proposal then.
Thanks for your help then.

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 11:47:23

Coosbaylumber, what type of drawing are you trying to convert?
Most are easy to convert but, ALL need to be cleaned up after inserting into AutoCAD.
If you could (or would) post the drawing, I'll take a peek-a-boo at it for you.
I must have converted at least ten images and/or *.pdf files in the past week.
I prefer to work with *.pdf files from which I take "SNAPSHOTS" using Adobe Pro.
Simple enough.
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