Proctor 发表于 2022-7-8 10:48:04

Tools -> Options (tabs are mis

Hello: I recently noticed that some of my tabs from Tools-> options are missing. I see a total of 10 right now...the last one being the profile's tab.
one in paticular i'm missing is theone called AM:STANDARDS.

How can I get these back?


tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-8 10:57:56

thanks for your reply. are you talking about the workspaces? I only see AutoCad classic, 3D Modling and 2D Drafting.
i use to see paticular when i looked under help...but that's gone now too.

Proctor 发表于 2022-7-8 11:05:19

StykFacE: I looked under profiles and it's set to ACADMPP.

Proctor 发表于 2022-7-8 11:14:32

Maybe do a restart of AutoCAD. Also, right-click on the AutoCAD Icon shortcut and go to properties. Under the "Target" text box, there should be a "/p profile name" at the end. Do you see this? This is how you preset the profiles from the program launch. I know that you can't open Vanilla AutoCAD and switch to your other profile, it has to be launch in that profile for these options to be available.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-8 11:24:26

StykFacE:thanks for showing me this. I copied the line and here's what it's set to:
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\ACADM 2009\acad.exe"/p >

Proctor 发表于 2022-7-8 11:31:42

Okay well it's set properly. Try going to the Profiles tab and re-setting the ACADMPP to Current. If that doesn't work, then maybe the CUI file has gone ker-plunk.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-8 11:34:18

Ok...I did a reset and it's still bad. do you know what i can do in the cui to fix this? i know how to open it.. w/ the toolbar command...but what do i do once i'm in there?
thanks again for your help,

Proctor 发表于 2022-7-8 11:45:45

Man, this is where I would get you into trouble. If I was to sit down in front of your station I could fix it. I hope someone can help you beyond this point.... I'm sure someone can. I'm just positive it's a Profile or CUI issue is all it is.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-8 11:48:10

thank you for all your help you've given me. maybe someone will be able to give me a solution?
i could do a repair; however, there's another user that's having the same issue and I would like to be able to instruct them how to resolve w/out doing a repair if it's possible.
thanks again for your time.
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