bjenk8100 发表于 2022-7-8 10:54:18

plotting/scale cont'

From my last post I figured out all that viewport stuff and scaling (WOW:x).
Thank you very much!!!
I am just printing on letter paper for now.Is the best way to scale a drawing to do the math yourself.If you just keep zooming in you do not know what your scale is.I highlight my PS and right click for quick properties and add my scale there.Is this the best way? For instance, if my drawing is 50X50' I think of 600"X600" and figure out which increment (1/16, 1/8, 1/4...) should represent 1' that fits into the page.Seems like just doing the math is the best but you never know whit autocad.
I am a little confused on the layers.I have been making layers and for some reason my entire model did not print.I had a layer with dotted lines and a standard layer and when I would switch back and forth it looked fine on the model and layout but did not plot what was seen on layout and viewport.I remember reading about something with switching from viewport to model might do this but cannot find it anywhere.Any thoughts?
p.s.I have been learning a tremendous amount from other people's posts in the forums.I am not the only noob out there!!! This site is good.Once i get a job I am going to donate a little.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:01:05

There's no harm in "doing the math" but I think after doing a couple of drawings this way (model space / layouts) you'll know intuitively what scale to use. If you're wrong you just pick a different one. It's not like you drew it all out on paper only to realize it was too small or too big right?
What do you mean by your entire model did not print? Did you check the ctb or stb plot style file you're using? Did you check the Layer Properties Manager to see if you inadvertently set a layer to non-plot status?Look under the column labeled Plot.Determines if layer is plottable or not for entire drawing.

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 11:13:46

regarding the layers, are any of the layers (I hope you have more than two, you can have as many layers as you want, the more the merrier) set to non-plot? Look in the Layer Manager (Format > Layer) and see if the little printer is crossed or greyed out.

SPARKY77 发表于 2022-7-8 11:20:46

for scaling a viewport if you select the viewport you can pick the scale you want from the viewport scale tab at the bottom under the command line

bjenk8100 发表于 2022-7-8 11:26:45

I drew a basketball court and some of the images were left out of court.The entire left 80 or the court was perfectly fine.The last 20 percent of court was completely left out of the drawing.It is still in the model space, but when i go into layout, hit ms, do my scaling, only 80 of drawing displays.There is plenty of room for other 20 percent.Even if i choose 1/64"-1' 80 percent is still cut out.
Is there a place where you can get a complete list of the commands.You guys say to try this and that and I never have even heard of most of them.

bjenk8100 发表于 2022-7-8 11:34:12

i am really sorry.I must have been real tired.All i had to do was pan the ms screen and move the drawing over.Again sorryt I am new to autocad 2009.Our college focused on drafting by hand and solid works.

bjenk8100 发表于 2022-7-8 11:36:15

I cant find it on anyn tutorials.I made a dashed iso layer for my dimensioning lines.They appear on model but not on layout.Am i missing somehting?

chelsea1307 发表于 2022-7-8 11:42:40

check your ltscale and pltscale and theres one more...

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:54:13

PSLTSCALE.Is that the one you're thinking of?

chelsea1307 发表于 2022-7-8 11:59:15

Yup, thanks
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