voltron 发表于 2022-7-8 10:55:19

Acad 2008 self-studier inquiri

Last January, I was gifted by an uncle with an old pc which has ACAD 2008 installed. I started trying it out as a "self-study-when I'm free only" and have found it very interesting. I am currently limited budget wise(due to my current state of affairs --I was unfortunately layed-off from a sales job:-(...) to undergo a paid training to truly understand ACAD 2008 so I make do with what I have (thanks to my uncle at that..)
I do have a reference book I borrowed from the library which is "Using Autocad 2000 by Ralph Grabowski" and "The Autocad 200 Tutor for Engineering Graphics by Alan Kalameja" but I can't find my answers there.
I have some questions if I may as I don't anyone reliable to ask about it. Please help me with my inquiries:
1) When I try to change a linetype in a particular file I am studying I cant see the changes I've made to the linetype of a layer. I changed the layer linetype from "Continuous" to "ACAD_ISO3W100" but the linetype remains that of the continuous type. How may I change it?
When I start a new drawing it starts fine. The linetypes as reflected by the layer.But going back to my practice drawing where I try to change the linetype it doesn't change.
2) Also I see in a reference drawing that there is a AM_ISO02W050 line type with a .25mm lineweight but when I check the load list of linetypes there is no such linetype.
3) Is this one added or I need to create a new linetype? If so how may I do that?
4) Can I save layers of an existing drawing file to a new drawing file?
5) Can I save a dimension style from an existing drawing file for use to a new drawing file? I ask because it will make my self-study more "understandable" as I do not need to have to change the settings and just practice drawing in the meantime.
6) Are there plug-ins that are to be added to ACAD 2008. What are they? I studied vocational course in Mechanical Technology and have experience with drafting but very limited. I would like to try this one it may help me in a change in career if sales work will not work out for me.
I know my queries are kind of "lengthy and off-shoot" to guru's like you but I really am trying to learn this one. As yet I am not really capable of paying for schooling as the budget is depleted at the moment owing to the economic situation.
Please help me on this:(.
Thank you very much.

Nellie 发表于 2022-7-8 11:08:26

In lieu of books you could always check out the free tutorials here at CADTutor and other reputable AutoCAD-related websites. I would also suggest joining AUGI (AutoCAD User Groups International) as they have some e-Learning type courses.Membership is free.You'll find them at www.augi.com.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:10:45

Sign up for noted AutoCAD author Ellen Finkelstein's newsletter and get free e-Tutorials too.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:19:18

Another source of free AutoCAD tutorials here:

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:27:24

Hi ReMark;Wow dude! You really are a great help. The more interested I am learning Acad! I will check it out especially the augi. Thanks a lot dude! A cousin also is a prospecting user of Acad but is still in school. I vouched for this forum and says he will member himself one of these days.Regards,voltron

fuccaro 发表于 2022-7-8 11:33:45

You're entirely welcomed voltron.Tell your cousin we welcome newbies.Everyone has to start somewhere.We're here to help.

Tankman 发表于 2022-7-8 11:45:41

I member-ed myself in the AUGI and have downloaded files from "mycadsite". I also checked out the sites as advised in this thread. As of now I am really bent on getting freebies at the moment( I really am feeling the pinch of the economic downturn..tsk..).
By the way, the links in the mycadsite had a Lyn Allen's Blog where there is a link for the Autocad 2008 Tips and Tricks Handbook. I tried it out but the link no longer exists. Is there a way or some workaround so I can download the "Autocad 2008 Tips and Tricks Handbook"?
Thanks dude!

Danny 发表于 2022-7-8 11:52:21

No luck either on the 2008 version but here is a link to the 2009 version.Some of it should be applicable.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 12:00:13

Hi;I will check it out dude! Can you give me tips on how may I attach an acad file or a screenshot for my next inquiry? I kinda hit something of a snag and I want to ask in this forum and I don't know how to do it...Thanks!voltron
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