Acad 2008 self-studier inquiri
Hi:);Last January, I was gifted by an uncle with an old pc which has ACAD 2008 installed. I started trying it out as a "self-study-when I'm free only" and have found it very interesting. I am currently limited budget wise(due to my current state of affairs --I was unfortunately layed-off from a sales job:-(...) to undergo a paid training to truly understand ACAD 2008 so I make do with what I have (thanks to my uncle at that..)
I do have a reference book I borrowed from the library which is "Using Autocad 2000 by Ralph Grabowski" and "The Autocad 200 Tutor for Engineering Graphics by Alan Kalameja" but I can't find my answers there.
I have some questions if I may as I don't anyone reliable to ask about it. Please help me with my inquiries:
1) When I try to change a linetype in a particular file I am studying I cant see the changes I've made to the linetype of a layer. I changed the layer linetype from "Continuous" to "ACAD_ISO3W100" but the linetype remains that of the continuous type. How may I change it?
When I start a new drawing it starts fine. The linetypes as reflected by the layer.But going back to my practice drawing where I try to change the linetype it doesn't change.
2) Also I see in a reference drawing that there is a AM_ISO02W050 line type with a .25mm lineweight but when I check the load list of linetypes there is no such linetype.
3) Is this one added or I need to create a new linetype? If so how may I do that?
4) Can I save layers of an existing drawing file to a new drawing file?
5) Can I save a dimension style from an existing drawing file for use to a new drawing file? I ask because it will make my self-study more "understandable" as I do not need to have to change the settings and just practice drawing in the meantime.
6) Are there plug-ins that are to be added to ACAD 2008. What are they? I studied vocational course in Mechanical Technology and have experience with drafting but very limited. I would like to try this one it may help me in a change in career if sales work will not work out for me.
I know my queries are kind of "lengthy and off-shoot" to guru's like you but I really am trying to learn this one. As yet I am not really capable of paying for schooling as the budget is depleted at the moment owing to the economic situation.
Please help me on this:(.
Thank you very much.
voltron:) In lieu of books you could always check out the free tutorials here at CADTutor and other reputable AutoCAD-related websites. I would also suggest joining AUGI (AutoCAD User Groups International) as they have some e-Learning type courses.Membership is free.You'll find them at Sign up for noted AutoCAD author Ellen Finkelstein's newsletter and get free e-Tutorials too. Another source of free AutoCAD tutorials here: Hi ReMark;Wow dude! You really are a great help. The more interested I am learning Acad! I will check it out especially the augi. Thanks a lot dude! A cousin also is a prospecting user of Acad but is still in school. I vouched for this forum and says he will member himself one of these days.Regards,voltron You're entirely welcomed voltron.Tell your cousin we welcome newbies.Everyone has to start somewhere.We're here to help. Hi;
I member-ed myself in the AUGI and have downloaded files from "mycadsite". I also checked out the sites as advised in this thread. As of now I am really bent on getting freebies at the moment( I really am feeling the pinch of the economic downturn..tsk..).
By the way, the links in the mycadsite had a Lyn Allen's Blog where there is a link for the Autocad 2008 Tips and Tricks Handbook. I tried it out but the link no longer exists. Is there a way or some workaround so I can download the "Autocad 2008 Tips and Tricks Handbook"?
Thanks dude!
voltron8) No luck either on the 2008 version but here is a link to the 2009 version.Some of it should be applicable. Hi;I will check it out dude! Can you give me tips on how may I attach an acad file or a screenshot for my next inquiry? I kinda hit something of a snag and I want to ask in this forum and I don't know how to do it...Thanks!voltron