can't select separt a obj
Hi all,I have an existing drawing of a building where i would like to deleted and add some object.
From the moment i want to select an object too delete does the system always select the compleet drawing....
Any advise?
thanks in advance! You could draw a line around the perimeter of the object you want to delete and trim away some parts that connect it, then delete that object. Sounds like you are working with a block.Did you try to explode it?
Any guideline in how to do this explode?
Thanks already for quick reply! You'll find the EXPLODE command in your Modify pull-down menu I believe.Try it and see what happens.If what you are dealing with is one huge block it will explode into separate entities. You can type in explode or it's the icon with the little dynamite exploding.
Shame on me !
It works guys....Thank you very much!
Any tips where I can learn fast how to add on scale normale squar objects?
Thank you all for this prompt reply! You're welcomed.Glad to have guessed right for a change.LOL
How to add on scale, normal, square objects?Not sure what you are referring to.Isn't there a rectangle command in 2004?That would get you started.Or you could draw a square making use of ortho, the line or polyline command, and direct distance entry.
Prompt used to be our last name but nobody liked it so we changed it to Tutor.
CADPrompt??? Make sure you are drawing everything full size!