Currently downloading a trial version of this, in the vain hope that it might solve my problem.
That is how I used to do it all. Simply re-name in to a readable file type. You can take a quick look at via Notebook or Notepad for file type, and then go.
Now, if your client went and created in a more modern version of Acad then you use, then you got a problem. If you only got the files mentioned, then you may also have another problem that is legal-wise too.
Wm. opened it in notepad and its just this with about 30 more lines..
hardly seems enough info for a drawing surely !!! That sort of reads like some sort of revision to a text file. They may have done some revision to text, saved it, and that is what you are seeing.
Not getting a whole drawing with that file then. Generally you need the parent one to see everything then.
Wm. CBL:
We're not talking the same type of .bak files here. An ESRI Shape file will consist of several files of the same name, but different extensions (typically a SHP, SHX, DBF, PRJ, XML, and sometimes others)
They are all treated as a single file by the ESRI software and are all required to work correctly...
So it seems like they didn't send you everything... if it came from ESRI in the first place.
thats the conclusion I've come to and if that all he's gonna give me, then all he gets back is a scan of a drawing marked up by hand.
crap in.. crap back:wink:..