phudge 发表于 2022-7-8 11:16:53

Drafting in autocad?

Hey guys, i come from a backgroud using 'solid edge' and i basically need to take a 3d model from solid works, take it into autocad and then create lots of techincle drawings of several views of the model (top front left and various 3d views ect) and dimensioning all the features ect.
does anybody have any ideas/tutorials on how to do this?

Ryder76 发表于 2022-7-8 11:54:15

Have you ever drafted before? Please don't take offense, but I am stunned that you don't have these skills.
There are some good technical drafting books out there. It would be best to google for one and or have someone in your office mentor you. This isn't really something that can be taught on a CAD forum.
Is there a school nearby that you can get some instruction on this?
Search for Orthographic Projection and/or Applied Descriptive Geometry. Orthogrpahic Projection deals with the "Main" views (TOP/BOTTOM, FRONT/REAR, RIGHT/LEFT) basically the six sides of a box. The other deals with auxiliary views - what 3D rotation does for you.
Good luck.
Edit One:I apologize if I have completely misunderstood you.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-8 12:09:50

Which are you using? Do you actually have access to the originating software? If so then Save Copy As file type ACIS (*.sat) and be sure to set Options to ACIS v7.
Open the appropriate metric or imperial file in AutoCAD and use the acisin command to import the neutral format 3D model.
Then type flatshot, solview or soldraw - hit Enter and then F1
you have your work cut out for you to learn AutoCAD.
If you are a student you can download Autodesk Inventor for free from it is much more similar to SolidEdge and SolidWorks and creating 2D drawings from 3D models is much easier. You can save the drawings in dwg format.Inventor will open native SolidWorks files.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 12:18:23

Would Solprof also be an option in addition to Flatshot and the combo Solview and Soldraw?
I typically use the Solview/Soldraw method.If that's the way you choose to go I might be able to assist.
Check AutoCAD Help for some background on each command for further information.I'd also recommend picking up a good after-market AutoCAD book for desk-side reference.
I don't think you'll have a problem with "drafting".
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