starting problem!!!please answ
how should 1 set the origin before starting???is it nesessary to do so???please answer I think we need more information to give a good answer here. What are you trying to do? Are you using Limits by any chance? Is your grid off somewhere? Do you mean change the UCS (switch place between X,Y and Z) or just move the 0,0,0-point? If I am drawing a building or large structure I usually will start at 100',100', unless, of course, that has been determined by others already on the project.For small machine drawings I will start at 10",10".
For Electrical schematics, P&ID, Process Flow Diagrams, etc, I will also use 10",10" and set snap on to an increment to keep the lines a uniform distance apart.
Mostly, start in the positive coordinates (although I don't think it is as important as it once was) and start on whole numbers.IE: 0,0, or 10,10 or 20',10', etc.
I don't do Civil work so I can't answer for that one. hi,tiger..thanx 4 ur reply..
1. i am just a drawing a cube
2. in th eexplanation of using th eucs icon,it says how 1 can change theorigin from 1 vertex to another in a cube..i am not able to umderstand that
3. not using limits as of now
4. the grid is in the off mode
Type UCS and hit Enter.
type 3p and enter
click the new desired origin point (I assume you know how to use osnap endpoints)
click the new x direction endpoint
click the new y direction endpoint
Before doing any of this you might turn off DUCS (F1 if you can't figure out how)
Good, I turned of the grid/snap in 1987 and maybe turned it on twice since then to use. (OK, actually I turn it on once every semester to show why I seldom use it, and then turn it back off.)
Haven't used Limits since my P-90 was delivered, hmmm was that 1997?
Students can download the latest Autodesk software for free from In 2007 there is a toolbar available that one can use to change the UCS as well.It is called either UCS or UCS II.I'll have to look it up. Try this:
Command: UCS
Wor world
After you have sucessfully changed your UCS to wherever you want it - this above will change it back to the original state.