Mark1965 发表于 2022-7-8 11:25:01

Wonky UCS?

Hi all
I have a dwg in model space that is straight and the ucs points the correct way but when i open a paper space tab with a veiwport the drawing is nearly on a clockwise 90 degree anglei have played with the ucs controls and only managed to flip the drawing so it looks mirrored as in the text is backwards , any advice please.

NBC 发表于 2022-7-8 12:00:13

Sounds to me like it was set to a user-defined UCS in Model space, but set to World UCS in Paper.
While in Model space, go to Tools > Named UCS and see if there is a name there.
Then go to Paper Space and while in the viewport type UCS > NA > R > the name of the ucs.

Zorg 发表于 2022-7-8 12:38:32

Has the viewport been rotated? Try double clicking within the viewport and check if the UCS looks like WCS, if not you might need to play around with MVSETUP- ALIGN- ROTATE...
Just if it has been rotated I'm not sure how you might find out how much it's been rotated by? Perhaps it's listed in the viewport properties?
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