Wonky UCS?
Hi allI have a dwg in model space that is straight and the ucs points the correct way but when i open a paper space tab with a veiwport the drawing is nearly on a clockwise 90 degree anglei have played with the ucs controls and only managed to flip the drawing so it looks mirrored as in the text is backwards , any advice please.
mark Sounds to me like it was set to a user-defined UCS in Model space, but set to World UCS in Paper.
While in Model space, go to Tools > Named UCS and see if there is a name there.
Then go to Paper Space and while in the viewport type UCS > NA > R > the name of the ucs. Has the viewport been rotated? Try double clicking within the viewport and check if the UCS looks like WCS, if not you might need to play around with MVSETUP- ALIGN- ROTATE...
Just if it has been rotated I'm not sure how you might find out how much it's been rotated by? Perhaps it's listed in the viewport properties?