Region vs. PLINE
What's the difference in making a group of joined, closed lines into a region compared to making it a polyline? I've always used region.What are the pros and cons of each?Thanks,
Jim I region is actually a plane that acts as a 2D "solid" in which you can apply materials/textures for rendering, etc. Regions work great for simple 3D planes that do not require a "thickness". Polyline is simply a joined connection of lines using verticies. In addition:
Polylines are CURVE objects with the ability to determine their own length and area.Once created they remain more malleable, i.e. vertices can be stretched, can self intersect, offset as a whole, and can have different line widths from one segment to another.LightWeightPolylines can only incorporate lines and arcs. 2d and 3d Polys do have an “all or nothing” spline capability.
Regions are AREA objects.They are always closed; though do support holes and islands.
They have the ability to determine their own area and perimeter as well as a host of other mass properties calculations.Regions can incorporate any AutoCAD curve entitiy.Once created, regions are pretty rigid.They don’t natively morph, offset, or provide multiple segment width. I do, however have a VBA routine that automates SLICEing, SCALE1Ding, and SHEAR(SKEW)ing, should that need ever arise.