Out of my depth!
Work has just bought Autocad2009.I haven't used Autocad for over 25 years but I thought that I would try out a drawing.I started the app and selected 'New' with the default format; Acad.dwt.I then drew a simple line 40 units long.So far so good.I then tried to dimension it.The resulting dimension line contained a figure so small it was just a blob.Ok, I then tried changing DIMSCALE as I used to.This made not a blind bit of difference!(Tried values from 400 to 0.004.)I tried to read the relevant Help file which said you should leave DIMSCALE at 0 so that the dimension would automatically scale.What happened to the drawing scaling setup page?Also mentioned was annotatative objects and viewports... totally incomprehensible!
Can anybody please explain where to go from here?
Many thanks! Old Foggy,
Here's what I do. Type in Dimstyle (enter), choose the name of the dimstyle you wish to modify (the current one), click Modify, click on Text tab, click on Text Style drop down arrow, choose a text style, which will display at the size you wish, OK. There are other settings, which can affect your choice but, this is a procedure for your specific question.
The procedure above requires you to have previously created some text styles, because by creating the styles, you will have chosen a text size/height. If you haven't, type in Textstyle and make those easier choices. It will come back.
You can, also, make the procedure easier by right clicking on any toolbar and checking next to the word Styles. This will give you a Styles toolbar and preclude having to type in those commands.
td88 Thanks td88, I will give it a go.
Cheers. I agree with td88, through modifying the dimstyle you will easily be able to fix this.