paper sizes (iso expand)
i have a dwg that i need to save to a plot file, in the plot paper size box i have the choice of iso A3 and also iso A3 expand the actual size of the two is identical so what is the difference?If I remember correctly, it has to do with how close to the edge of the paper you can print.Some printers and plotters won't print past a certain predetermined margin, others will.If you see the "expand" option, your printer will print closer to the edge than standard.I don't recall the exact distances, but if you anticipate ever printing to a different printer or sending the file to someone else to print, you should probably choose the standard paper sizes.Otherwise it will probably clip off some of your titleblock or other information. thanks for the answer, i have found that if i do not use the iso expand paper size along with plot area extents it clips one side of the border. i think i'll just check with the printers tomorrow to make sure.
Much will depend on how the page layout in the template you used is set up, what the limits are set to, what printer drivers are being used, etc.At my last employer, every time we got new printers, we had to go adjust all that stuff.
Good luck!