Amber D 发表于 2022-7-8 11:40:36


I feel silly.   

I must admit, I’m self-taught when it comes to CAD, and I’m having a few problems with the xref.I’ve been all over the forum (where I learned everything I know about CAD- thanks everyone!), and still can’t figure out how to explode an xref-ed drawing.   Could someone tell me (in extreme layman’s terms) how one would go about doing such a thing?

I saw a few promising threads, but the resolution given to them wasn't available to me (I think because I'm using such an old version)....

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 11:59:34

OPen the file. type the command PURGE and hit PUrge All repeatadly until you can hit it no more. THen type the command AUDIT and select Yes to fix any errors. THis mihgt take a while but be patient.
I hope this works the same in 2000 though...
Purge/Audit is something you should do with every file before you send it to someone, as well as on every file that you get sent to you.

skipsophrenic 发表于 2022-7-8 12:02:08

I did all of that.For PURGE, it gave me:
No unreferenced blocks found.
No unreferenced layers found.
No unreferenced linetypes found.
No unreferenced text styles found.
No unreferenced shape files found.
No unreferenced dimension styles found.
No unreferenced mlinestyles found.
No unreferenced plotstyles found.
For AUDIT it gave me:
96      Blocks audited
Pass 1 39      objects audited
Pass 2 39      objects audited
Pass 3 700   objects audited
Total errors found 0 fixed 0

Amber D 发表于 2022-7-8 12:16:54

that is good, because then the file is good.
It's bad, because then that does not solve the problem.
HAve you tried just importing it as a block instead?

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 12:28:12

It sounds like the x-ref you want to bind is attached to another drawing that is also an x-ref.
You need to go to that drawing, and make the x-ref an "overlay" (always a good idea). All you need to do to achieve this is double click on the word "attach" in the x-ref dialogue box and it switches to overlay.
Now you go back to the original drawing and either insert the drawing you just made into an overlay asa block or x-ref it and bind/explode. This achieves the same thing.

Amber D 发表于 2022-7-8 12:33:41

yes, the xref contained an xref, apparently, according to the guy who sent it to me. All I have is this one file, sent to my company from an architect (who did not even draw it 1:1!). I'm not sure if you're saying to go back to the origional (which I don't have) or just go back to the file I do have and make it an overlay.
Tiger, I'm not sure how to make a block? Like I said, I'm self taught, and blocks aren't something I've learned.The CAD I do know I picked up doing the tutorials on this site, and for the most part I keep to the basics.
I appreciate you putting up with my lack of experience!

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 12:45:30

No worries Amber D - we all start somewhere
Simply (because it's getting late here, and my brain can't do more than simple stuff) a block is just a DWG, any ol' dwg. The difference is that instead of importing it as a x-ref-you import it as a block. You should find it under Insert and then Block. Then it's pretty much the same dialogue box as with x-refs with scales and stuff.
Do you have both files? The file that the guys said was x-refed to it as well? What DTkell means is go to the file you have, and make sure all x-refs there are overlays (or if they are not loaded or missing, detach them)
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