Lithium 发表于 2022-7-8 11:44:31

Dtext vs. Mtext

I'm having problems with Dtext turning into Mtext. Just to be clear, I always use the Dtext button from the ribbon. I've noticed though that often, when I go back to edit it, it has turned into Mtext.
I keep the Properties panel open on the right side of my screen. When I need to edit text I prefer to just edit it there in the Contents box, but Mtext cannot be edited there. It opens the 'In-place text editor' which I hate. (I wouldn't hate it so much if there was a way to end the editing without that dang dialog box coming up asking if I want to save the changes.)
I don't understand why sometimes, not always, the Dtext is changed to Mtext.
Is there some way to change Mtext back to Dtext?
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