Work in the same doc. Autocad.
Can I and my cheef work in the same AutoCad doc., in the same sheet?!Please help me?! I moved your post to it's own thread - please start a new thread for each new question you have.
And I would say no, you can't. ... and only ask it once - it won't get answered any quicker if you spam it across the forum, and it'll be more difficult to find your replies
I'd agree with Tiger - you can't both work on the same sheet at once agreed not possible as far as i'm aware. i concur with the others, no you cant.
it would be a bit confusing if you could There all telling the truth. Out of curiosity why do you want too? Time restraints? a lot of revisions?
Would X-refs be a suitable option? Okey, in an effort to try and help, here's what I do when I need to share a AutoCAD file with collegues - this might not be the best way, but if everyone is on top of their game, it works.
I start with Mommy.dwg, in which I draw my stuff.
Co-Worker comes in and wants to draw his stuff, I say, start a new drawing (called Daughter.dwg)and X-refs in Mommy.dwg into Daugther.dwg.
When we need to compile it back together, I grab everything (except the x-ref Mommy.dwg) in Daughter.dwg anc copy-paste with 0,0,0 as basepoint and Insertion point.
If I need to see what Co-worker does while he does it, I can x-ref in Daughter-dwg into my Mommy.dwg. Just make sure that he keeps Mommy.dwg as an Overlay in his Daughter.dwg.
Complicated? You bet! Prone to mistakes? Yes. The only way I know? unfortunatly yes. I believe it can be done in AutoCAD Map but not in plain vanilla AutoCAD. Well explained Tiger!