Scaling mode/paperspace and te
I do the line work in model space and then label/add text to these drawings in paperspace.. If I then need to adjust the scale of a viewport in my layout, is there also a way to adjust teh text in paperspace accordingly so it doesn't need resized and moved manually?Thanks
Why don't you just add your text in model space?Wouldn't that solve your scaling issue? How much of a change did you make?Original scale vs. new scale? Did you set up all your viewports before beginning to dimension them?
Did you enable the Annotative feature on the Fit tab for DimStyle/Modify where it says Scale for dimension features?
Having done both would preclude, for the most part, the problem you are currently experiencing. All text has to be in paperspace, no way around that.
Scale changed by quite a bit.
I set up the viewports before I began to add labels and stuff to them. Don't know anything at all about the Annotative feature, so maybe that is what I need. One workaround would be to use the Chspace command on the textprior to changing the scale of the viewport, the use the Chspace command after. That might work lpseifert. OK...maybe I'm doing something wrong.
I set up all my viewports and scale them.I may move things around a bit.I may even change the scale of one or two viewports (up or down).But after all that is finalized then, and only then, do I start dimensioning.I've never had to go back and radically change a viewport scale.
If Annotative is enabled, as indicated previously, and the scale of the viewport has to change, the dimension arrow lines grow larger or shrink as the scale is changed and the extension lines continue to line up with the related geometry.If you don't do this then you find that the dimension arrows and extension lines get out of whack in comparison to the geometry.I believe that is what you have experienced.
One other item.Once you pick a text size for your notes, callouts and dimensioning it is usually not necessary to go back and start changing heights unless you've done something very unusual.Does your office have any standards? They probably have standards lol. I'll try annotative as I have not used that. Try it on a viewport that is already dimensioned.Just put in one vertical or horizontal dimension then change the scale of the viewport and see what happens.