lufc100 发表于 2022-7-8 11:50:00

Inserting a drawing problem!

Hi everybody,
I'm having a problem when I insert a drawing into a new drawing. I try to select a part of the inserted drawing and it wont let me, the whole drawing is selected, can somebody point me in the right direction, thanks

lpseifert 发表于 2022-7-8 12:16:21

If you need the inserted drawing to be separate entities explode the block (the inserted dwg). If you inserted it as an Xref, you'll need to Bind it first, then Explode.

lufc100 发表于 2022-7-8 12:48:39

sorry im new to autocad, can you explain how i do this to the drawing, how to bind and explode it

lpseifert 发表于 2022-7-8 13:04:13

If you brought the drawing in as an Xref, start the XREF command; highlight the inserted drawing, hit the Bind button- you'll be prompted to select Bind or Insert (I normally select Insert). The drawing will now be a block. Explode it with the EXPLODE command.
If the inserted drawing was not inserted as an Xref (it won't show in the XREF dialog box), all you need to do is explode it.
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