Importing dimension styles.
Hey guys!I did a seach about this and came up empty. F1 wasn 't much help either.
Question: Is there a way to import dimension styles from one drawing to another?
Basically I'm attempting to draw a series of detail drawings of a gizmo, followed up by an assembly drawing. I have my dimstyle set up in one drawing, now I'd like to use the same dimstyle in the rest of the drawings without having to go through each tab in each Dimstyle Manager in each drawing. Does that make sense?. i keep a block that has all of my dimension, qleader, mleader styles. in my acaddoc.lsp file, i have it insert and purge that block everytime on startup. this way, i always have the dimensions i want.
(command "_.insert" "BLOCKNAME=" nil)(command "_.purge" "_b" "BLOCKNAME" "_n")
that will insert the block (make sure it's location is path in support paths in options), cancel the actual placement, then purge the block out. the dimension styles will be in drawing now. the reason for the "=" is to overwrite the block, just incase it exists in the drawing already (never know).
we still use a template, but if you purge, or you open an older drawing, you are forced to insert the template into the drawing. with c3d (styles), that can be a bit of a hog.
i also do this for my pagesetups (separate file), i just run a delete all pagestups routine, then "psetupin" in my pagestups.