Confused about "standard scale
So I guess I am more of a novice with CAD but I am having an issue that I need to resolve ASAP. I am work with some drawings to produce a set of "As-Builts". The drawing Ihave no layouts, so I am attempting to create layout on a 1/8" - 1'-0" scale. I have made new layout, set up the proper paper size, and created a viewport to work with. I have attempted to set the "standard scale" to the scale I desire, but I notice that the "custom scale" changes to something like 3/256", not only that but the drawing becomes considerably smaller. How do I rectify this issue? I am working with AutoCAD LT 2007 for this project. Any help would be much appreciated. Strange - Typically the custom scale value is nil when you set a standard value. I am assuming that the way you are attempting to change scale is by selecting the viewport and using the Properties box. Try double clicking in the viewport to make it active, then type inZ1/96xp
This uses the zoom command to manually set the view to 1/8 scale.
Maybe this helps in the short term... ? Delphi1, your assumption was correct about how I was attempting to change the scale. However, I tried you suggestion and I am getting the complete opposite of what I would expect. The drawing shrinks tremendously, should I use n=1/96 or n=1/8 in that command? Hey -
n = 1/96xp is correct... but make sure you have the "xp" after it.
From the Help file...
"Enter a scale factor (nX or nXP): Specify avalue:
Enter a value followed byx to specify the scale relative to the current view. Forexample, entering .5x causes each object to be displayedat half its current size on the screen.
Enter a value followed byxp to specify the scale relative to paper space units. Forexample, entering .5xp displays model space at half thescale of paper space units. You can create a layout with each viewportdisplaying objects at a different scale."
So if you just type 1/96x, it will zoom to 1/96th of whatever the current view is.
1/96xp will zoom to show model space at 1/96th of the paper space units.
Since there are 8 @ 1/8" in an inch and 12 inches in a foot, multiply 12*8 for 96 @ 1/8" in a foot. (same formula applies for 1/4" scale -> 1/48xp, 1/2" scale -> 1/24xp, 1" scale 1/12xp, etc...)
If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. I would be happy to take a look at your file if you want to upload...
Good luck! are you in paper space? if so just single click on the viewport then right click go to properties and under misc. you will be able to change all the scale inside the viewprot.Dont worry about the custom scale it will calculate its self. the standard scale is what you can change to get what you are looking for. NLClause, that is what I was doing before and it worked. But this time when I try it, it just makes the drawing smaller. I will keep at it and if nothing comes of it, I will take you up on your offer Delphi1. This sucks, when I started this job I told them I know CAD a little bit but now I feel like a true moron as the client is breathing down our necks for these drawings....Thank for your help folks.