Saving Problems...reference ed
I am very new to using autoCAD, and I am trying to save a file that had already been created before I began working with it. It has an xref to a pre-created border. I am attempting to use the save-as function, but a message appears that reads "_saveas ** SAVEAS command not allowed during reference editing **" I do not know what I need to do to properly save the document.My next step was trying to copy the entire drawing and paste it into a new file so I could save it there, but when I gave the command to copy, this message appeared "_copyclip ** COPYCLIP command not allowed during reference editing **"
I absolutely have to save this file, so what do I need to do? Thanks in advance! oh, and i searched and found someone who seemed to have posted the same question, and he/she was told to type in XREF and hit F1 for a full explanation, which helped him fix the problem. When I tried it, it just took me to the help menu. F1 opens the help file no matter what command you are in.
You cannot "SaveAs" because someone else is most likely
using the same file in there drawing also. Could that be the case?
If not then Type "Xref" then "Bind" and insert the Xref into your drawing. Very rarely autocad will think that the reference file is being
modified when in fact it is not.
I have had this happen in older versions but never in 08.
You can also try to do a "Wblock" and block the drawing out.
Then create a new dwg and reinsert the information.
Hope that helps.
Let us know what you come up with. I have no luck so far. If I were to take the xref out, would the problem be solved? I am doing as-built drawings, but using the proportion on an old drawing, so I really don't even need the xref anymore since they will be completely new drawings. How would I go about taking the xref out?
Sorry, I am student and really new to the program, so be patient with me! haha
edit: Oh, but yes. Other drawings are definitely using the same xref file, and I have access to all of them if that helps. Type Xref
Then from the list select the file, then right click with file highlighted
Select "Detach" alright, well i tried it and it said "xref command not allowed during reference editing"
i do type this command in the file i am trying to save, not the file i am referencing, correct? I think I may have figured out the problem. There are 2 files per drawing, one titled "base," which apparently does not contain the xref. The file I was working with may have been a reference to a file that I don't even know about. Hopefully everything works out from here. Thanks for trying to help me out though.
I have seen this problem quite a bit, especially with older version drawings converted to 2007.
Try opening each file separately and purging and auditing each of those. When it auditing, type Y (when its asks if you want it to correct errors). Save the drawing. When you open the drawing that references them, purge and audit that as well. But make sure that the drawing that contains the references is the last one to be purged and audited. Save the drawing.
See if this works for you. If you need a bit more guidance, let me know.
Good luck! If you are getting the 'XREF not allowed during REFEDIT' save the drawing, close, then re-open auto cad...This appears to happen when doing a lot of refediting...I hope its a bug that Autodesk works out because I have been experiencing it now for a couple of years. have you tried the command refclose? it exits you out of refedit.