DWG drawings to jpg/or pdf
Hello everyoneI've been trying ways to save my floor plan, section cut ect that are 2d dwg drawings to jpg or pdf.But i have failed miserably.
All i want is to copy my floor plan ect into photoshop with the right scale.
Could anyone please reply, im kinda in a hurry so id really appreciate it
Bear in mind, im only a beginner
Thanksssssssssss IF PDF is needed, and you have a PDF printer availible, go to the Plot window and select the PDF printer.
If you have no PDF Printer - I recommend googleing PDF995 or CutePDF (there are a few free pdf-printers out there) and install that, then Plot with that PDF printer
the command JPGOUT seems to work if a JPG is what you want. You can also go File > Export > .bmp if that takes you fancy.
And do a search of dwg to jpg - I'm sure I've seen threads on that before. HeyCheers for replying!
I've tried to use plot window and selected 'pdf complete', but then how do i find the pdf file?
I've tried JPGOUT and file>export methods. and saved the file. but when i open them i get a blank page!
And i cant really install anything as i am using a school computer.
Can i somehow make jpgout method work without it saving a blank page? Am i doing anything wrong?
Thanks again!! oh and ive run a search to find any 'dwg to jpg' threads..no result lol. ive tried googling it, i got softwares of 'dwg to jpg converter' that i have to pay $75 for lol is this for real.
well, after you have selected the PDF printer and hit print a window will come up that asks you where you want to save the file... otherwise there's something else that's wrong.
I've never really used the JPGOUT method myself, so hopefully someone will come along that know more about that.
edit - ah yes, one of the quirks of this forum that you'll soon get a hang on is that you can only search for words four characters or longer - so searching for dwg* jpg* gives you a bit more - perhaps the lsp in This Thread can help?
but why would JPGOUT just give a blank page? Does it take the whole file or just what's showing on the screen at the time?
And you're welcome ChloeG, happy to help
For some reason I haven't quite figured out just yet, when you window the viewports you want in paper space, it still only gives a blank, as opposed to what you have showing in your viewport.I haven't figured out how to fix that yet, and I'm sure it's something really easy, but no dice yet for me.I promise that if I should figure it out, I will definitely post why. ( for anyone reading)
check all the threads on jpg's and pdf's questions in the search function their is hundreds regarding one of the twoim sure that is to help whatever your trying to solve.