eo.geodesy 发表于 2022-7-8 12:18:41

Autocad 2008, text appears as

I am absolutely beginner withCivil 3D as Autocad 2008 ....
I am a surveyor, so I would like to use coordinate system for surveyors:
axis +X direction North = Up
axis +Y direction East = Right
I did that directions by using Menu Tools, Submenu New UCS ....
I did some lines an points, but when I did try to do some text on my drwaing - it appears as in mirror.
So my question is: Is it possible to use Surveyors Coordinate System, as I described above, and to view my text normally (not as in mirror) ?
Thank you very much !

Dipali 发表于 2022-7-8 13:57:29

I think your problem is with the method of setting up your coordinate system. AutoCAD is not surveyor friendly, and uses the mathematical convention on a page of the X axis going horizontally to the right, and the Y axis going vertically upwards. You have reversed these, and the only way AutoCAD knows how to do this is to set it up as a bottom view. Hence all your text being reversed as if seen from underneath.
In the UK, surveyors use the convention of Easting BEFORE Northing, and as the coordinates come up as x before y, it is easy to use AutoCAD's system. The one slight problem is that AutoCAD measures the angles from the x axis anticlockwise and the Whole Circle angle convention (which defines bearings/azimuths) measures angles from the y axis clockwise. This is easily sorted by going to the Units, setting the angles to be clockwise, and the zero angle to be at North. Try doing that instead of setting up a UCS.
As for the axes, either try to get used to the way AutoCAD does things, or you could be individualistic and set up a UCS as you have, and set all your text to be backwards. The only problem there is portability of data, and your drawings would not be well received by others trying to work on them afterwards.
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