RAWIRON1 发表于 2022-7-8 12:19:16

How do I draw dimension lines?

How do I draw dimension lines?
I have been away from CAD for years and can not remember how to draw dimension lines.When I try the line just disappears.I have the CAD manual and a Dummies manual but I am having no luck.

MaxwellEdison 发表于 2022-7-8 12:43:24

Your dimensions may be defaulting to a layer which is not on, or your current layer is off.Go to the layer manager and turn on all layers to check first.

RAWIRON1 发表于 2022-7-8 13:08:52

Max!You are a freaking genious!!That fixed the problem!Woohoo!Now I have 10,000 dim measurements that just popped up on my screen!LOL!That's OK.I'll just close the file without saving and reopen it and draw just the ones that I need.I need to find out what layer the dim lines are on but for the moment this should keep the boss happy.
PS Is it snowing in the Keystone State today?

MaxwellEdison 发表于 2022-7-8 13:27:07

Its not genius, just a decade of making silly mistakes and then slapping myself until I remember them.
And its just rain down in this part of PA today, thank goodness.
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