vs. 2005 verses vs. '07
Started years ago with "other" CAD programs, made the switch to AutoDesk's 2000, never went back.Upgraded eventually to '05, still in use.
I do have '07 installed, seldom used.
All my work is plain Jane, plan views, elevation views.
Never work in 3D only 2D although, I enjoy seeing some of the work
you guys 'n dolls complete or, have a work in progress.
Question of the day? In 2007 when my cursor moves over an object, the object is highlighted. How might I turn this annoying feature off? You're welcomed Tankman.
I had a friend who was a Marine around the same time period.Got sent off to 'Nam.He was there about a year before taking a hit by an Ak-47 to the shoulder.Luckily he survived.
Jeez, I'm just around the corner from Rt. 1 on Science Road.We're located next to the old incinerator (Crescent Street) which was converted to a trash transfer station.One side of our property abuts I-95 and another side fronts the Norwalk River.Freakin' small world!