Plot spool working right?
I'm giving Acad 2009 a try now (not the LT version), and so far I like it much more than LT. I didn't think much would be different as far as it goes, but it works for me better than LT.In any case, the thing that is bugging me now is with plotting. In LT and every version before, I could pretty much rapid fire my plotting. All the plot settings are saved, I'd be able to ctrl-tab through each sheet I had open, check it real quick, and plot. Then ctrl-tab to the next and plot.
In this version, however, it won't let me plot that fast. The little printer icon in the acad tray does its animation and until that animation stops, I get a message saying there is a sheet currently being plotted and I can't plot another until it's done. So I wait and wait and wait for a minute or so, and then it lets me plot the next one.
I figure maybe there is a spooler change I can make? But I couldn't find one. Or is it just the case that 09 now forces you to wait for each plot?
I can't even open the plot dialog box while one is plotting. The exact message is:
"A plot or publish job is already being processed in the background. Only one job can be processed at a time.
Wait for the job to complete, and then try again."
Now, this wouldn't be such a big deal if all my acad progs did it. But I already got rid of LT, and not even LT did this, I could rapid fire my plots there, but how come not in standard 09? I hope I can change something so I can plot faster.
Thanks I suspect you can alter the settings for whether buffering takes place at the plotter or on your machine (or server if you're networked) Try OPTIONS, Plot and Publish, background processing options, if the Plotting is checked then uncheck it, if not checked then check it and see if that helps.
You should also look into the publish command so you don't have to go to each sheet to plot. Yes, the checkbox for "Enable background plot" had to be UNchecked. To me that doesn't seem intuitive, I would have thought enabling background plotting would let me get back to work and do stuff quicker, not slower. Oh well.
Happy Thanksgiving!