ricie179uk 发表于 2022-7-8 12:24:57

A4 border(metric)

As a complete novice can any one tell me how to set up a drawing border for A4 in metric. And if possible tell me how my details for example a pipe which is 400 mm long can fit in this area.Many thanks

soleary 发表于 2022-7-8 14:06:49

You need to get a handle on model space (where, in your case, you would draw your pipe) and paper space (where you would put your title block/border).
Read this until the end of 'Create the viewport'. Note: your scale will be 1/2xp.
From there, all you have to do is draw your border in paper space. It takes a bit of getting used to model & paper space but once you get it, it's easy and very helpful. Good luck
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