Mack26 发表于 2022-7-8 12:43:53

3d question?

hi all,
I have created a 3d solid, i have a shade on the object.
I wanted to convert the object to 2d lines.
So i exported the drawing as a (wmf) file.
I then imported the (wmf) file in a new autocad and the
drawing was in 2d which i was happy with. But i lost the
shade that was on the 3d solid.
So is their any way of keeping this shade in 2d?
Hope im making sence..

CADTutor 发表于 2022-7-8 13:19:39

It depends what resolution you want. If screen resolution will do, just use Print Screen on your keyboard to copy the image to the clipboard. If you want higher resolution, try rendering the scene to a file.

Mack26 发表于 2022-7-8 14:04:49

Thanks for reply, not sure how to use render scene to a file but
will check it out. Thanks.
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