Plotting Out .PLT Files
What program/software do people/printers typically use to plot out (.PLT) files. I have several, and I could not open them in AutoCad, or Adobe Reader, or DWG TrueView. I finally tried a program called Amethyst Cad Wiz and was able to plot them. When they opened however, they had to be saved to a DXF file. Print a .plt file via dos command windowI use BitView to view them for free. To print them we have a tool that came with our printer called the Xerox BT Plot Assistant. Additionally, with some .plt files you can convert them to drawings via the Express menu. GoPlot found here works fairly well Thank you for the help and quick responses.
GoPlot seems to work well, but I'm using a 24" plotter and part of the drawing gets cut off. Any thoughts on this in GoPlot? I went into config and changes the PD fit to size and it still cuts off part of the plot. We use view companion pro in our office and goplot, most people in the officegenerally use the view companion pro though both for viewing plot files and printing them and converting them to pdf files. We find creating plt files first and then converting them to pdf files is the quickest method for producing a batch of pdf files from drawings.