ChloeG 发表于 2022-7-8 12:46:48


当我在制定平面图并使用 ML 时,有时我不得不停止制定计划,否则它会自行停止生产线:如何在不产生冲突的情况下恢复/继续生产线?

GhostRider 发表于 2022-7-8 13:54:22

Though I don't think it's possible to actually continue a line, you can do a lot of things to polylines with the PEDIT command, try playing with that.Probably the best way to "continue" would be just start a second new polyline where your old one left off, and then join the two together when you're done.
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查看完整版本: 另一个问题:恢复一条线