Can I get some PDF's of d
This may have been asked before, however I couldn't think of how to search it.....Anyway..... I'm just starting out in the CAD biz, and doing night school to learn drafting. All fine and well, however I'm not being taught fast enough...... 9 weeks in and were still drawing circles.......
So I'm hoping some of you guys/girls could help a brother out?
If i could get some pdf's of plans (simple or complex) that I could reproduce in CAD then maybe I can get up to speed a little quicker and therefor get into the industry a little faster.....
Hoping you can help....
also Is this a good Idea, or will i just pick up bad habits?
cheers and peace Welcome to the forum kingfisher.I think we have reached our alotment of Aussies now.LOL
You mention plans.Plans of what?Houses?
Don't you have a textbook with examples to follow?If not, any good library or a search of the Internet will turn up any number of good reference books. Kingfisher, 1st, welcome to the forums!
I'll send you a few, easy junque I do, *.pdf and/or *.dwg files.
What kind of work might you specialize in?
Let's see what the forum members can offer, electronic, civil, building trades, sheetmetal, plumbing, etc.
I posted some here yesterday for beginners thanks for the responses guys, im hoping to get alot out of these forums!
When I say Plans im talking about architectural palns, as Im looking to build houses....
I would love to be getting ideas out of the text book, however, such is the quality of this course there is no prescribed text....... f*&$^ng lame....
thanks for the help You should be able to go online and find plenty of house plans,
I am taking arch drafting, we are doing a floorplan.
you will need ot know the standards for homes , wall thickness, use design center to get standard parts, use 1/4 in= 1 foot scale,
i am a newbie so go luck.
I wish I could help you, unfortunately everything I have is all in Imperial units, and you guys apparently do your architectural stuffs in metric. one thing you could do is find the on-line floorplan places like, and try to recreate the stuff they have on there. It will help increase your speed, but not really help you as far as how a house is put together. There are books such as "Graphic guide to frame construction" that would help you out in that arena, but I am not sure if they have a metric version. I am pretty sure that construction techniques are similar to what we have in the states with some regional differences.
Once you have the knowledge of how the house is put together, the hardest part is creating your own designs, I very often have "designers block" and it can take a BUNCH of time to get over that hurdle. Try to push your limits once you get the general construction ideas memorized. there are some people that love stuff that well... you would never think could be constructed, but there is always a way.
If you would like, I can send you one of my personal projects if you do not mind attempting to convert it to metric units.
you need to be at 10 posts min. for me to be able to PM the set of plans to you though.