cad_student 发表于 2022-7-8 12:48:19

Site layout exercise ????

Hi All, i am attempting to draw the acad tutorial drawing "site layout exercise".
When i draw the site border lines all to exact scale as per picture,the last line segment does not meet as it should to the next. Also the bottom building footprint,i am having trouble getting the r70 circle placed correctly. is it just me??? can someone please point me in the right direction.
site layout exercise.dwg

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 13:02:58

Check this thread out for the placement of the r70 circle. And while participating in that thread I did the tutorial in question and I got them to match up so I don't think there's a fault in the tutorial.
when I take a look at your DWG, it looks right to me. The gap that you have in the end, you can just stretch the tilted line to meet the straight one, the only measurment you have is 35 and that is still ok then. You understand what I mean?

hotrodz0321 发表于 2022-7-8 13:06:43

the exercise is good....take a look at my drawing and compare it to yours to see if you can figure out what went wrong

hotrodz0321 发表于 2022-7-8 13:18:00 it is
you just need to extend the lines to the r70 circle because the length of those lines arent given....
site layout exercise hotrodz.dwg

cad_student 发表于 2022-7-8 13:23:11

Hi and thanks for all your help, i finally got it. What i did with the r70 on the building was to use Arc and the sub options start point, end point and then radius BINGO:roll: .
Then with the 180 line and the one parallel that would not meet in my previous drawing i simply used the move command to shift them across until they met with the angled line.
Tiger please can you elaborate more on what you meant when you said that i should stretch the line parallel to the 180 line to meet with the angled one:unsure: ( how do you stretch the line ).many thanks.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 13:36:31

Lines can be stretched using the STRETCH command. It can be a positive or negative distance. Think of it as stretching in one direction or shrinking in the other.
It sometimes helps to have ORTHO toggled on and to use your OSNAPS if stretching one line so it ends up perpendicular to another.It will of course depend on the situation.Just a suggestion.

GE13579 发表于 2022-7-8 13:40:24

For an alternate way of skinning the cat, from your original drawing simply extend the 2 lines to the circle, the reinstate the extend command, and using the 2 lines SHIFT+select the larger part of the circle., or use the TRIM command.

Tiger 发表于 2022-7-8 13:51:36

The line I suggested you'd stretch was the angled one that did not meet with the vertical line. As ReMark said, it can be done with the STRETCH command, or in this instance it works to just mark the line, click on the blue grip at the end and drag it to it's proper position.
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